Dental Crowns in Plano, TX

Plano, TX, dentist restores smiles with dental crowns

As a restorative dentist, Dr. Bindu Kolli strives to help her patients across the Irving and Plano, TX, areas to keep their natural teeth for a lifetime. Dental crowns are a vital part of that strategy.

Many uses for a dental crown

A crown is a hollow restoration that fits on top of a prepared tooth. A tooth cap may be used in these situations:

  • To restore the normal shape and size of a tooth within a large area of decay or breakage in cases when there is not enough tooth structure remaining to support a filling
  • An old filling may develop microscopic leaks, allowing decay to form underneath. Usually, a crown is needed to repair the damage.
  • When root canal therapy is performed, the tooth may become brittle. A crown provides protection.
  • A dental bridge replaces missing teeth with artificial ones. The bridge is anchored in place with crowns on teeth adjacent to the gap, or on dental implants.
  • A dental implant is an artificial root implanted in the jawbone at the site of a missing tooth. A dental crown finishes the restoration.
  • For aesthetic improvement in a tooth that is worn down has an odd shape or size or has deep discoloration.

Multiple options for dental crowns in Plano, TX

A crown is fabricated at an off-site dental laboratory. It is made from impressions taken of your mouth after the tooth is prepared. Major advances have been made in dental ceramics, so crown materials are strong and durable. Today, most people prefer the lustrous, natural-looking appearance of a solid porcelain crown. With good oral hygiene, this type of crown can give patients many years of service. However, Dr. Kolli offers other crown options to suit virtually every need and budget.

Stainless steel crowns can be an economical alternative for children’s primary teeth. Reinforced composite resin crowns are affordable and match the natural tooth color. Though they do not look as lifelike as all-porcelain crowns, durable porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crowns remain popular for molar restorations. Gold crowns can also be a good choice for posterior restorations. This metal is biocompatible and does not harm opposite dentition (the tooth in the opposite arch that bites onto the crown).

At Southfork Dental, you can count on our personalized service. Call 469-535-6939 to schedule an appointment in Irving or Plano, TX.
